Duwamish Alive! Earth Month Celebration
April 16, 2022 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Duwamish Alive! is a watershed wide collaborative effort in improving the health of our salmon by restoring their habitat which provides food, shelter and cool, clean water that salmon need. Starting at 10:00 am volunteers will be restoring native habitat on Saturday, April 16th in multiple urban parks and open spaces from Seattle to Auburn in the ongoing effort to keep our river alive and healthy for our communities, salmon and the Puget Sound. Proving that many individuals working together can make a substantial difference in improving the health of our region.
Visitors will learn about the river, its salmon, wildlife and communities from the special programing and information at həʔapus Village Park & Shoreline Habitat, located on the ancestral site of the Duwamish Tribe along the river. Meet the organizations working to improve and protect the river and its habitat areas. Take home a FREE NATIVE PLANT from the Duwamish Longhouse while visiting their exhibit Spirit Returns – A Duwamish and Settler Story. The Welcome from Duwamish Tribal leader Cecile Hansen starts the event at 9:45am.
Volunteers’ efforts include, a river cleanup by kayak, shoreline salmon habitat restoration, and native forest revitalization; there are still some volunteer spots open, visit our home page to see the different volunteer opportunities and RSVP to the contact for the site of your choice, or email info@duwamishalive.org