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Celebrate the Return of  Our Salmon with Duwamish Alive!  by helping improve our natural habitat sites which support wildlife, help clean our air and water while providing outdoor recreation throughout our watershed.  We need your help, please volunteer with one of our partners at the following locations through these links:  (registration information is provided on our partners’ links which can be accessed below by clicking on their registration link.)


South Orcas Greenstreet in Georgetown, DIRT Corps   Registration 

Hamm Creek/ Veteran’s Conservation Corps   To volunteer, email info@DuwamishAlive.org

Herrings House Park Seattle Parks   

Longfellow Creek, King Conservation District  Registration     EarthCorp  Registration   

Pigeon Point Park, Nature Consortium Registration  

Roxhill Bog, Friends of Roxhill Bog    To volunteer: email info@duwamishalive.org

T107, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition   Almost Full

Duwamish River Kayak Clean Up, Puget Soundkeeper   Almost Full


Cecil Moses Park, King County    FULL

Duwamish Hill Preserve, Forterra  Registration 

Duwamish Hill Wetlands, ECOSS Registration

Duwamish Shoreline Challenge, Forterra Registration   


Green River Natural Area at Neely Mansion,  Green River Coalition,  Info: Contact Mike Taton at michaeltaton@gmail.com




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