Green-Duwamish Watershed Workshop: Our Creeks and Streams
June 21, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
We are excited to continue our Green-Duwamish Watershed Workshop program which has been on hiatus for the past several years due to Covid. Our workshops are designed to not only educate, build awareness but also foster collaboration across sectors which meeting in person achieves. This is the first time we’ve been able to meet in one large room to learn and discuss the health of our watershed’s tributaries and their communities. Receive updates on issues impacting the health of our tributaries, learn about Wastewater Districts and how they impact river health, and new ways to involve communities.
We invite people involved in conservation, restoration, research, urban planning, education, community engagement, business, and human services in the Green-Duwamish Watershed and its shoreline sub-watersheds to attend. This is an opportunity to connect with others involved in improving the ecological and community health across the watershed for our future.
The forum is for professionals, academics, community members and stakeholders to exchange information regarding the watershed, crossing all professions and sectors. If you would like to be included in our mailing list, please email your contact information to info@duwamishalive.org, we only use this to notify you of the symposium/workshops.
Thank you for your patience and we hope to see you – in person at the workshop! Our registration link will be open May 15th.